Friday 22 June 2012


In the beginning Linguistics and Semantics are stand dependent. They are different, According to Sugianto (2012 : 1) “ Linguistics neglected the study of language or semantics”. It means that Linguistics as the knowledge which study in form or grammatical cannot merge with the knowledge which study in meaning.
Linguistics only focus their study in structure of language, such as phonology, morphology or grammar. The branches of Linguistics are phonetics, phonemics, morphemics and syntax. All of them are study of structure of the language.
Linguistics is different than Semantics. Semantic is the study of meaning in language. for many people meaning seems to be show vague, in substantial and elusive that is imposible to come to clear, concrite or tangible conclusion about it. but by carefull took about the language and the way it is used definite conclusion concerning meaning can be obtained
The main point semantics is the study of the language or explain the meaning of a word or phrase. So the language without meaning it will have no meaning.Language can be regarded as a communication system that relates something to be communicated with something that communicates, a message (signified) on the one hand with a set of sign or simbol (signified) on the other.